With the success of the 2018 campaign for their Independent Living Community, Crane’s Mill returned with another request, to create a series of commercials promoting the services they offer in their Assisted Living Community which included Memory Support and Sub-Acute Rehabilitation in addition to their full-service Assisted Living within their Health Center. It was important for these three commercials and the micro-content that followed, to be evergreen like the original commercials we created. Once again, we brought in actors!
Over the course of 5 days, we filmed three :30 commercials focusing on Assisted Living, Memory Support, and Sub-Acute Rehabilitation, plus additional micro-content from each commercial, as well as a full-length Health Center video plus a number of additional content deliverables. Crane’s Mill has been able to run these commercials on television up and down the East Coast, and run them on digitally on social and other platforms.