5 Tips To Help You Produce A Remarkable Corporate Video

5 Tips To Help You Produce A Remarkable Corporate Video

Produce Meaningful Corporate Videos With This Guide

People remember 20% of what they read and 90% of what they perceive through visuals. Videos have always been a well-loved part of visual entertainment dominating the top marketing mediums. However, today, businesses are looking for ways to create compelling and entertaining content rather than simply trying to promote their organization. Why is that?

Would you prefer spending 5 minutes reading an article or obtaining the same information by watching a 1-minute video? The video provides the fastest and easiest solution to deliver the message, keep the viewers engaged, and motivate them to take action.

Businesses can benefit from corporate video production using the latest digital technologies, creative techniques, storytelling, and video marketing. Corporate video production is an umbrella term that encompasses any video content created by businesses for internal or external marketing purposes. 

To help spice up your corporate videos, we have highlighted the best tips for producing engaging and impactful content.

Know Your Target Audience

In a world where customers have endless choices, it is crucial for brands to find innovative approaches that differentiate them from their competitors. Having a general intent is nice, but paring down your audience is a better approach to producing a compelling corporate video. 

A well-researched video provides an opportunity to engage with the right audience and create a sense of intimacy by providing specific solutions to the issues the target audience cares about. Therefore, finding a production team with hands-on experience in using demographic research to create content that speaks to a distinct audience is crucial.

Choose Relevant Subjects 

Another essential tip is to consider relevant and meaningful topics for the target audience, such as the problems they are most interested in solving. Consumers often turn to the internet for information when unsure how a product works. While many people use search engines like Google for this purpose, many users also seek answers through videos. 

As such, if you want to achieve exceptional results, it’s worth considering adding how-to videos on specific topics to your marketing strategy. Doing so allows you to tap into a large and growing audience looking for informative and engaging content that helps them solve problems and make informed decisions.

Tap Into the Power of Storytelling

Humans are wired to make sense of the world through storytelling. Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to create emotionally compelling content. Research has shown that millennials, in particular, are drawn to businesses with a clear narrative aligning with their values and beliefs. To build trust with potential customers, consider using video testimonials where current customers can share their experiences with your company. This is an effective way to communicate the benefits of your product or service in a way that resonates with your audience and helps to build brand loyalty.

Push Creative Boundaries With Micro Content Edits

tips for making a corporate videoConsumer habits continue to evolve with time. Today’s viewers are more inclined towards microcontent edits or excerpts of your video content. A 06 to 30 seconds long microcontent edit escalates audience engagement. The best way to do this is to produce a short video in addition to the main piece of video content you’re producing. Additionally, short videos can be used as paid ads on social media. Paid social ads can be valuable for re-engaging with existing customers or followers and promoting your latest advancements. 

With numerous platforms available and various types of adverts, paid social media advertising enables you to customize your approach to suit different audiences and preferences. This way, short videos can take your video marketing strategy to the next level when combined with full-length ads. Furthermore, microcontent can elicit audience interest in upcoming product launches and intrigue viewers to click through and watch the longer video. Moreover, short videos can be sent to event attendees as a follow-up piece of content.

Focus On The Production Value 

Your corporate video doesn’t need to be Hollywood-level, but it should also not look like a video shot on the phone. To effectively communicate the company’s message and create a positive impression on the viewer, the video should have suitable lighting, sound, camera work, and other technical elements contributing to the final product’s visual and audio appeal. 

Hire a video production agency that knows the ins and outs of corporate video production. Impactful corporate videos need investment like any other marketing initiative. From concept to post-production aspects, professionals do everything that guarantees a quality production level.


Producing an impactful corporate video can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with the process of video production. Hiring a video production agency can help you plan and produce your next successful corporate video. Depending on the budget and services, a wealth of creative options and techniques can be used to communicate your brand’s message. Even the ordinary and dry content can be spiced up by using the right tools and strategies. 

If you’re in need of a corporate video that delivers your message with an impact, call Grey Sky Films at 973-625-6911 or talk to our team online.

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