How To Plan Your Corporate Video Production Strategy

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Marketers today are responsible for creating video content to achieve business goals, including: targeting leads, nurturing sales, boosting brand image and awareness, and much more.

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While many marketers are actively using video, many are still getting the hang of it. Whichever one of these you are, it always helps to get useful tips that make getting started and planning a corporate video production easier. If you’re wondering:

  • How can I turn what my company does into video content?
  • How do I use the video?
  • What should I think about before getting started?

Planning a corporate video production can include many steps – from discovery to creative planning to distribution – but getting started in the right direction can be as simple as brainstorming some basic criteria.

Here are some simple steps to help you plan for your next corporate video production:

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1. Think of clear goals

With video, it’s best to drill down to very specific goals, specific content and a specific call-to-action. While most businesses and marketers have multiple goals in mind, your video will resonate best with the viewer if it has a very crystallized intention and result to achieve.

What goals are of the utmost importance?

  • To boost SEO and build site traffic?
  • To increase sales with new product education?
  • To elevate brand image with professional quality imagery and styling?

As you accumulate this list of what messages you need to convey, start to also identify who your intended audience is for each message, how that message needs to reach them, and how success will be measured.

video production companies

2. Create content for key events and dates

This seems like an obvious tip for generating content ideas, but you’d be surprised how frequently it gets overlooked or ignored until the last minute!

What times of year are not only important to your business, but specifically relate to the goals you identified in #1?

For example, if enhancing brand image is one of your goals, consider using corporate video production for important milestone events, charity galas or awards ceremonies. You can play an emotional or inspiring video at these events, but also film the events and release content afterward with press releases, video newsletters or as an annual report to investors, stakeholders or clients.

Is one of your biggest goals to increase site traffic and online sales? Look ahead to the year’s most important sales events, product launches and marketing campaigns. Add a video component to your already stellar marketing plan to provide product information to customers (helping to increase conversion rates by over 60%!) or even to train and support to your sales team.

video production

3. Know how you intend to share your video content with your audience

Along with identifying your goals, initiatives and key filming opportunities you’ll also want to consider how each piece of video content will reach your intended audience.

This can include:

  • Television broadcast
  • Websites or landing pages
  • Emails
  • YouTube
  • Facebook and Instagram
  • Mobile apps
  • Even physical DVDs for onboarding and training

One of the greatest things about video is that it can be multi-purposed.

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4. Know your budget range

Before you bring all of this great starter information to your corporate video production agency or team, you should also have at least a rough idea of budget to discuss with them as well.

While at times the plan may dictate the budget or vice versa, and you may not know which end to start with, it’s helpful to at least have a basic range and see where the plan takes you from there.

video production companies

5. Stay true to your brand

As with all of your marketing, it should remain cohesive with your brand identity:

  • What does your brand stand for?
  • What sets you apart from your competitors?
  • What words describe your brand (relaxed, exciting, flexible, fast?)

By listing out some of these key qualities, you’ll start to generate a list you can apply directly to your content or to your content’s creative approach.

If your video content is destined to live on your company website for a longer period of time (6 months +), you should definitely identify the strongest keyword search terms that relate to your company or the site page where the video will live.

Keyword search terms are the different phrases that someone might enter in a search engine to start searching for a solution to their problem, or to search for your company directly. When your corporate video content gets placed on your website, it should be described and referred to by the text on that site page, and keywords should be utilized throughout.

Marketing Director


While it can seem overwhelming when you’re just getting started, many of these separate pieces of criteria (types of video, distribution variables, budget) will inevitably be brought together to meet at a place of balance.

Most importantly: when your corporate video production strategy is directly related to key performance goals, demographics, and specific calls to action, it not only becomes easier to understand how your budget is being applied, it also helps clarify your methods for measuring and interpreting actions and results.

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