5 Ways to Keep Video Production Costs Low in NJ

5 Ways to Keep Video Production Costs Low in NJ

Wondering how you can keep your video production costs low here in NJ? Just like most creative services, a video production budget is made up of a combination of hard costs (props, actors, stock elements, etc.) as well as time.

While there are definitely some corners that should never be cut, there are a few specific ways that you can save some money and maximize your video production investment.

Here are 5 things to consider that can help you make the most out of your video production budget.

Video Production Costs NJ


Well, not the whole video production. But the more that you can do instead of paying someone else, the more money you’ll save. Certain parts of video production definitely require an expert, but there are lots of ways that you can pitch in. For example, writing the script or outline for your video production.

You are the expert on your own business, so you’ll probably be able to write up a script or outline a lot quicker than someone from the outside. You’ll save money by not having to pay a writer or creative team, and you can still have your video production team review your script and get their professional opinion. It will take a lot less time than having them start from scratch.

Video Production Location NJ

Location, Location, Location

Contrary to the title of this section, the less locations you have for filming – the cheaper your video production will be. If you can get away with filming everything in one place, it’s definitely going to keep your costs down. Each time a video production company has to set up, break down, and travel for your video, you’re paying for that time.

Now, we all know how fast and easy it is to get around in NJ (and how prevalent sarcasm is!)  If you absolutely have to include multiple locations in your video, consider using stills from the other locations, and filming all the primary interviews and b-roll at one main location.

Video Production NJ

Short and Sweet

It’s a simple equation: the longer your video is, the more time goes into both production and post-production. Don’t try to jam too many things into one video; Keep your video short and to the point. Besides, people’s attention spans are shorter than ev….

Video Production NJ

Paper Edit

Often, the flow of production for corporate videos will be outlined, but the script won’t be fully developed until all corporate interviews have been filmed. This is similar to the approach used in documentary film-making. All of the relevant footage is collected, and then the story is fully developed.  Typically the editor and producer comb through all the footage and notes, pull the relevant clips, and piece together the best parts to tell the story, which can be a very time intensive process.

Want to save some money? You can ask your video production company to let you review the footage and put together a paper edit. That is, you write down the time-codes of the clips that you’d like in the video, in the order that you want them, and then you hand it off to the editor to assemble.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it will give the editor a head start, saving them time and saving you money.

Video Production Post Production Services NJ


If you’ve created videos for your company before, then you probably already have some footage. For example, if you’ve filmed for a company overview, then the B-roll you have likely includes shots of signage, employees working, awards, locations, products etc.  This B-roll makes a great library of generic shots of your company that can be re-purposed for other videos.

Once you have these shots, there’s no need to re-film the same thing for a new video like a testimonial or a video newsletter. Make sure your video production company keeps a well-organized library of your footage so that you can easily reference these types of shots for future productions, and eliminate the need for another film session.

While the above is not an exhaustive list, these are all really simple and effective ways to cut costs on your next video production.  Talk to your trusted video production partner in NJ, and find out what ways they can help you keep your video production costs low.


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