March 2016 Video Newsletter

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Our Video Newsletter for March 2016

Join Kelly in this month’s video newsletter and catch up on recent client projects and Grey Sky News!  This month:

video production nj

Coolest Office in NJ!

We were recently named one of the Coolest Offices in NJ by NJBiz! What’s so cool about our office? Find out in this recent blog post!

Recent Client Projects

From fundraising videos, to instructional videos, to short and sweet recipe videos, see what we’ve been up to lately:

  • We filmed with the BY&LG agency to create a video for the Boys & Girls Club of Monmouth County. This video helped the Boys & Girls Club raise funding at a recent event.
  • We produced an animated video to help Aspire Credit Union boost membership. The video explains who is able to apply, and how they can easily apply online.
  • We produced a series of engaging and informative videos for Nutricia Metabolics. Both product videos and short recipe videos will help them support sales and engage their customers.

See more in the video newsletter!


Chris and The NJAdclub Host A Seminar on Video Marketing

In partnership with the NJAdclub, our own Chris Vaglio will be giving a seminar on Video Marketing: How to Create an Effective & Engaging Content Strategy.  The event is this Wednesday, March 23rd at 8am in Bloomfield, NJ.

It is open to non-AdClub members as well as students. For more info, visit our Facebook page, or register here.


The White Spruce in The Garden State Film Festival!

Our short film, The White Spruce is an official selection of the Garden State Film Festival. The Festival runs March 31st – April 3rd in Atlantic City, NJ. Visit our Facebook or Instagram for more details, and go ‘Root for the Spruce’![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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