New Highlight Reel Featuring Motocross Star

New Highlight Reel Featuring Female Motocross Star Rachel Gutish

Have you ever seen women’s motocross racing? High-energy, adrenaline-pumping motorcycle racing performed by successful, award winning female riders that compete in motocross competitions around the world! 


And, this past July, we had the opportunity to film a highlight reel for the Woman’s Off-Road Training Campout in Hampton NJ, hosted by the female-run organization Over And Out Moto. We teamed up with Over and Out to interview an amazing young talent, Rachel Gutish, one of the top female motorcycle racers in the world! 

Rachel Gutish is an award winning female racer who has been riding since she was a young child. She teaches skills clinics at Over and Out when she’s not competing in events such as GNCC, NEPG, Extreme Enduro, EnduroCross, X Games and the International Six Days Enduro, which is basically the Olympics of off-road racing! If you haven’t noticed, she’s a REALLY big deal! 

It was such an honor to film this incredibly talented rider. We really enjoyed getting to know Rachel and learning more about the physically demanding sport of motocross racing. 

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For this super special highlight reel, we wanted to mimic the excitement of riding a motocross track with camera movements. To do this we staged three different cameras; one that remained  still and steady on a tripod, and two that gracefully moved as the talent moved. The end result is a steady flow of subtle motion.

During the interview, Rachel spoke about her career, her injuries and how she overcame them, and her love for biking. After that, we got some great footage of her riding her bike on an off-road track through hills, woods, water, rocks, and logs! 

Gutish is part of Over and Out Moto, an organization that supports women who ride (or want to ride) dirt bikes, woods, enduro, dual sport and motocross. They welcome female riders of all levels for epic weekends of riding, camping, lessons and fun!  OAO prides themselves on connecting women riders and providing them with a positive and encouraging community. By featuring women who ride in their content, they engage, educate and inspire their audience. Founder of OAO, Kelly McCaughey, is actually a former employee of Grey Sky Films! We are so proud of the empowering female community she has created. 

The purpose of this highlight reel is to create sponsorship opportunities for both Rachel and Over and Out. These sponsorship opportunities would help spread the word about female motocross and to financially support the mission of Over and Out.

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We filmed the highlight reel over the course of a half day due to some unique time restraints. We only had a short period of time with Rachel before the event was slated to begin and her participation would be needed. Our biggest challenge was to get as much footage as possible of the interview and Gutish riding on rough terrain in the time allowed before she had to join the training campout. 

We utilized a small, streamlined crew so that we could be more nimble in the woods. That way we were able to work quickly to get what we needed within the abbreviated schedule. Interviewing Rachel Gutish for the Women’s Off-Road Training Campout was superb and we were honored to film this exhilarating highlight reel to support Kelly, Rachel, and the whole Over and Out organization!







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