Facebook Cover Videos are coming! How to create yours.

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Facebook has been recently been testing the ability to use a Cover Video in place of a Cover Image. Apparently this test has been going very well, and this feature will continue to expand and become available to more and more pages!

This shouldn’t be surprising, as Facebook has been all about video, actively making the social media platform function in favor of video consumption. In 2016, Facebook’s COO stated that by 2020 she expects 70% of their mobile traffic to be video.

So as this new feature develops, we’re sharing this simple guide to using a Cover Video on Facebook…

First things first: What’s a Cover Image?

On Facebook, the Cover Image is the large image at the header of your Facebook profile page. As Facebook and any good marketer know, it’s prime real estate for your most eye-catching imagery or a call-to-action!

Most businesses use their logo as their Profile Image, while the Cover Image is a creative or designed image that is a great representation of the brand, a campaign or event.

Here’s a very simple, straightforward example:

Facebook Video

This is a very nice, and brand appropriate image. But, when it comes to marketing, who wants to be simple and straightforward?

Great marketers know that standing apart from your competition can make all the difference. Imagine if that was a video of a dog on a paddleboard!! If you’re a dog lover like me you’d be one-thousand times more excited to see the video than the photo.

It only makes sense that video be used in this position for drastically enhanced viewer engagement.

How do I upload a Cover Video?

If your page allows video to be used in your Cover, you will see it indicated at the top of the page, on the Cover Image area.

facebook video

You can select a video that you already have uploaded to Facebook, or upload a new video.

facebook video

In order to upload a file, it must adhere to Facebook’s specifications for size and length.

What are the specifications for a Cover Video?

At this time, the specifications for a Cover Video are:

  • A minimum of 20 seconds in length
  • A maximum of 90 seconds in length
  • Minimum size of 820 x 312 pixels (recommended 820 x 462 pixels)
  • Cover Videos auto-play and auto-loop
  • Videos start playing without sound, but the viewer has the option to unmute, found in the lower right-hand corner:

facebook video

If you’re not meeting the specifications, Facebook will tell you:

facebook video

What should I show in my Cover Video?

Your cover video should show any imagery that reflects your brand, or a specific campaign with a call-to-action.

Because it’s likely your viewer will be watching without audio, it’s wise to not use a video where the main message is communicated using dialogue or voiceover.

Here are a few more tips:

  • Talk to a video production company. If you’ve worked with a video production company before, they will have all of your footage on-hand. Ask them for ideas on creating a simple video loop!
  • Keep it simple. Don’t expect viewers to take in every little bit of this video. This video can enhance a browsing experience and serve as an introduction to your brand and your page. From here, visitors can explore, comment, leave a review or click your call-to-action button.
  • Be strategic and creative. Think of one clear message that resonates with your target audience and show imagery or on-screen text that relates to that.
  • Re-purpose existing video content. Use recent commercials or event videos that are visually exciting and up-to-date, such as marketing or highlight reels (i.e. don’t use an iphone video of an on-stage keynote speech.)

Want to see more examples?

Check out these Facebook pages that use Cover Videos:

Again, this feature is fairly new and expanding to more users in the coming months. Let us know if you have any questions, updates, ideas or recommendations about Facebook Cover Videos!


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