Working with a Video Production Company: The Benefits and the Process

Working with a Video Production Company: The Benefits and the Process

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Most marketers, business owners (along with other professionals in charge of growing their brand) know that video content is of major importance these days:

video productionBut many are still uncertain about the process of creating video or how to navigate the decision to work with a video production company vs. doing it themselves.

Many struggle with how to get started with video altogether, or how to change up their current production methods. Read on for a refresher on the video production process, based on the proven formula for success from a video production company:

First, Why work with Professionals vs DIY?

The most important things to consider when investing your time and money towards producing video are:

  • Will it look and sound good, reflecting positively on your brand?
  • Will it perform well enough to make your investment worth it?
  • Will it achieve your goals?

corporate video productionTypically DIY (do-it-yourself) videos can be poorly lit, have poor sound quality, are not edited well. A video like this can do damage to your business and brand image.

Brand image is something that is picked up on by every single viewer whether they realize it or not. It’s worth it to hire a video production company who has experience, professional equipment as well as filming and editing skill and talent.

video production companies

Getting Started with Discovery and Creative

A video production company will need to gather a lot of information from you in order to truly understand what it is you wish to achieve with your video and what your budget looks like. From there some creative approaches can be flushed out as you move forward toward production.

Some things to cover in discovery and creative include:

  • What does your video need to achieve?
  • How will it be leveraged, shared and measured?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What resonates with them the most?
  • What data do you have to support your approach?

A video production company can advise on various concepts and how they compare to budget, helping you arrive at a plan that can help accomplish your goals effectively and efficiently.

Video Production CompanyThe Production Process

The production process has three main phases:

  • pre-production
  • production, and
  • post-production

It’s crucial to know what will be executed in each phase in order to reach the end goal. However, it’s not uncommon for projects to change as they progress, and for various details to shift and need to be accommodated for throughout the production and post-production phases.

Video ProductionPre-Production

Once you have a creative concept and budget agreed upon, pre-production is when all of the following details will be addressed:

  • Scheduling a film date and timeline
  • Location scouting
  • Booking studio time
  • Scripting
  • Casting
  • Creating shot lists
  • Props
  • Crew
  • Additional equipment (if needed)

Marketing FunnelPlus, you’ll start looking ahead and thinking about these post-production elements:

  • Editing styles, techniques, and timeline
  • Assets like music, stock footage or images, animation, etc.
  • The final video’s specifications for use online vs Facebook, YouTube etc.

As you approach your film date, all of these details will need to be discussed and many locked into place, ready for production.

video production companyProduction

This is the phase where all filming is executed. The crew, talent and hired specialists arrive and prepare to film all planned scenes and shots. Everyone follows the schedule that was outlined in the pre-production phase to make sure the time is used wisely and every bit of footage needed is captured.

The crew will capture everything they planned on filming, but will also likely capture extra or additional coverage so that they have a range in options to use in the post-production phase.

Animated Explainer VideosPost-Production

This is the editing phase in which all footage is watched, sorted and categorized, and then worked into a first edit. An editor will use their skills and talents to assemble the footage and audio (dialogue, music tracks, sound effects and more).

The editor will also apply any other visual or audio assets, such as:

  • Music
  • Sound effects
  • Color-correcting or color-grading
  • Transitions
  • Motion effects or templates
  • Special effects
  • On-screen text or text animation
  • On-screen logos or still images

After presenting you with a first edit, a video production company will work with you to make any additional tweaks or updates. Together you’ll arrive at a point where the video is approved.

Your editor will then export all final video files according to the format required for sharing and upload. For example, a video to be uploaded to a social platform may need to be a certain file size or format.

video production processA Long-Lasting Relationship

A video production company doesn’t want to just work on one project with you and then bid you farewell. They’ll want to find out how your video is performing and help you optimize your video content to bring you success.

Likewise, most businesses benefit from sharing ongoing video content. Using a video production company can be the most efficient way of producing and publishing your own video content on a consistent basis; and partnering with one that’s already successful at doing so is much more cost effective than trying to build an in-house team of your own!

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