5 Ways to Spice Up Your Corporate Video Production

All businesses need video production on a regular basis these days, to create engaging website and social media content, to capture live events, testimonials, product launches, presentation and much more.

Corporate video production” indicates that the video content being produced is to be on-brand, professionally appealing and appropriate, but also effective at resonating with prospective customers or the professional community.

It’s not uncommon to encounter professionals who need corporate video production services but also want their video content to not be stiff, boring or ordinary. The benefit of video is that there are many visual and creative techniques that can be used to enhance the core informational or educational content, making it more engaging and impactful.

Here are 5 ways a video production agency can spice up your next corporate video production:

Pull Out All the F-stops – with Creative Filming Techniques

How many of you caught that camera pun? 😉 Using a variety of camera techniques can help add movement and style to your video, which helps keep viewers engaged. It also reflects very positively on your brand to have more elevated, tasteful visual style to your videos.

Your video producers can make use of multiple camera angles and a variety of equipment, such as various lenses, sliders, jib-arms and more, to capture footage creatively.

Fly High with Drones

Drones have become super popular with video teams, but also with viewers. The popularity of drones is not only due to the fun of operating them, but people love the kind of footage that can be captured with today’s modern drones.

Drones can be perfect to capture a unique birds-eye view of an event venue; a new store, branch or office location; or an eye-catching property that relates to your business or to your message. For example, perhaps your annual conference theme is “Reaching Great Heights”. Open your keynote speech, and edit your recap video using dynamic drone footage of mountain climbers high on a ridge.

Often, speeding up or changing up the speed of drone footage in editing, can create a very impactful, invigorating or motivational visual effect.

Be a Cut Above with Creative Editing Services

There is so much a experienced editor can do in post-production, especially if they have a variety of footage to work with, and an array of creative options that can be utilized. Editing services can really make your video realize its full potential.

Post-production is the part of the video process that merges footage with stylistic elements such as pacing, animation, photos, transitions, color or stylistic applications (like “filters”), audio and/or music and on-screen text and more.

It can help to look online and study the variety of visual techniques you see, then talk to your Producer and Editor about options before they go in to film for you.

Leverage Your Footage with Micro-content Edits

Short edits or excerpts of your video content can really help increase engagement with your audience, especially on mobile devices. Micro-content edits should be between 15 to 30 seconds long. This does not mean that you’ll only be producing 15 or 30 second videos, but it means you should produce them in addition to whatever main piece of video content you’re producing.

Micro-content can be used to:

  • Tease public interest in an upcoming or annual event.
  • Tease viewer interest to click through and watch a longer video.
  • Support a longer video with follow-up reinforcement, echoing the main content.
  • Send to event attendees as a follow-up piece of content.
  • Send to media and industry publications as video press releases.

You can also use these short videos as Ads online and on social media. A recent article from Google explains how “short form ads can pack a powerful punch for your video marketing, especially when used [in combination] with full-length ads.”

Get Creative – Inside and Outside of the Video

A video production agency can help you plan a creative approach to your video, and can produce content that fits within a larger creative campaign.

For example, we have one client that makes an important presentation each year at an industry conference in order to win some very big business. Instead of creating a straightforward, ordinary presentation, they opt to create a fun and engaging video and make it part of a more complete plan of attack. They certainly crush their competition and win business every time!

They use shorter edits to tease their presentation ahead of time, making attendees excited for what’s to come. They also accompany the video with related items, like candy bars, coffee mugs, and other classic swag items they plan to hand out at the presentation.


There are a lot of ways to spice up video coverage, even of otherwise dry or ordinary content. Depending on your events’ logistics, your brand guidelines, and your budget, a wealth of creative options or applications can be leveraged to keep your content looking fresh and modern while performing effectively for your marketing.

A video production agency can help you plan for your next corporate video production, and help you find ways to spice up your videos for the greatest impact possible.

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