Top 10 Tips for Better Video Production in NYC

If you’re looking to get a step up on your competition, then one of the things you’ll want to do is to market your business using video content. Video content is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness and create a strong brand identity.

Working hand in hand with the right video production agency will ensure you get the best results from your video content. To help you get the most effective content, the following are ten tips for video production in NYC:

1. Identify Your Audience

The general rule for creating content of any type is that if you try to create a piece of content for everyone, you’ll end up creating content for no one. You have to know who your specific audience is so that you can target your video content to meet their needs. For example: Are they consumers? What age group are they in? What problems are they trying to solve and what will help them choose a solution?  You can’t create content that’s helpful or relevant unless you know who your audience is.

2. Have a Clear Message

Your video production in NYC will be much more successful if you have a clear message in mind for the video content you want to make. If you only have a loose collection of ideas for the content of your video, then you’re not ready to shoot. Without a clear message, your audience won’t know what it is you’re trying to convey to them, making the video ineffective. Sit down and figure out exactly what you want to say before you start video production in NYC.

3. Cast Properly

Casting is important, no matter what kind of video you are making. Even if the video is a tutorial, the audience will need to connect with the person doing the demonstration. Before you put someone in front of the camera, work with your video production agency to find the best talent. They can help you find and audition prime candidates to make sure that they have the best on-screen presence.

4. Make Engaging Videos

This doesn’t just mean make videos that engage the attention span of your viewers (although you should do this too). It means you should work with your video production agency to make videos that viewers can interact with. For example, using a call-to-action at the end that includes a link to other relevant content. You can add links directly to your videos on platforms like YouTube, thereby allowing viewers to engage directly with the video. You can also encourage discussions by allowing users to post comments on the videos.

5. Keep Length in Mind

Some experts believe that audiences will get bored with anything over five minutes. This may be true in certain situations, but really the length should be determined by what you’re trying to convey, where you plan on having it seen, and the expectations of the audience. For example, shorter content is better for social media since users are typically scrolling through a lot of various content in a casual manor.  But, if you’re creating video content for your email list or as free downloadable content, more in-depth, longer form video content is appropriate.

The first 5 tips relate to creating your video content; however, once receiving the final edit of your video content, some work still needs to be done:

6. Write Good Titles and Descriptions

A good title and description can make all the difference in the world when it comes to attracting viewers. If your title or description isn’t interesting or doesn’t properly convey what your video is about, then there’s a good chance that you’ll attract the wrong audience, or possibly disappoint or frustrate the audience you have attracted.

7. Optimize Your Videos

Do a little keyword research in order to identify strong, competitive keywords that are relevant to your videos. Then use those keywords to optimize your videos, from the title and description to the meta tags. This will make it easier for search engines to identify what your videos are about, which will help them rank higher on search, thereby providing more exposure to members of your target audience.

8. Identify the Best Host

A lot of businesses just throw their videos up on YouTube. While YouTube is a perfectly good host for your video content, don’t limit yourself to just that platform. There are plenty of great video hosting platforms, many of which integrate with popular sales and marketing softwares.

Some examples include: Vimeo, Dailymotion, Wistia, Vidyard, and Brightcove. Each hosting program offers different pros and cons, as well as various customization and sharing options. Where you plan to target your audience can have a big impact on which hosting platform you choose.

9. Promote Your Videos

If you’ve made the investment of time and money to have high-quality, professional video production in NYC to create effective content, it’s best to continue with those efforts and promote your videos. They aren’t just going to generate brand awareness by themselves – you have to kickstart the process by getting them out there. Don’t just post your video to YouTube and call it a day – post links or embed the video to various social media channels and encourage followers to share, comment or like the video in order to gain even more exposure. You may even want to use paid marketing options, such as PPC advertising or Facebook Ads in order to increase exposure to an even larger audience.

10. Analyze The Results

Once you’ve posted a video, make sure that you track the results that relate to your main goal. If brand awareness is your goal, measure metrics like number of views or impressions, repeat views, duration of views and drop-off rates. If you want to see what specific details are being watched and retained, take a look at peaks in engagement rates and actions generated, such as clicks.

Data can tell you a lot about the content of your video and what worked and didn’t work, thereby allowing you to adjust your video production strategy to ensure that it is more successful in the future.

These ten tips should always be considered to help ensure that your video content achieves the results you’re looking for. And here’s one final tip, just for good luck: Always look for a professional company that understands the importance of these tips when it comes to video production in NYC.
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